Bizness Inc. – Since 1994

Bizness Inc. – Web Software Specialists For Decades

Bizness Inc. is your web software business partner to help you increase sales(E-Commerce), collect one-time and monthly recurring payments to eliminate postage costs and NSF checks (web billing), produce emailable drilldown decision support html reports for all browsers including mobile devices, and so many more areas to cut your costs and improve your productivity giving you and your customers access from anywhere in the world.

Bizness Inc was incorporated in 1994. It is the designers of World Class International Software such as BizRAS (E-Commerce Software) and BizRAS( Invoicing and Web Reporting Software).


Domains like: (Auto posting to your WordPress Blog Sites in 1 blog click, even auto post to your FaceBook and Twitter Accounts), (E-Commerce software), (Web Reporting), (web invoicing for you to receive automatic Recurring Payments through your clients credit card/PayPal account) were added along with new customers using these software systems designed by Bizness Inc. Bizness Inc. also designed an Online Donation Management System with Event Management/Online Attendee Registrations to track donations and events that are scheduled on the web for the public to view or sign up for.


What Work Have They Already Done that they can do for Any Organization?

Sample of 45 Topics below that Bizness Inc can consult, design or program for you. Most of these points below are already functioning in live production systems written by Bizness Inc.

Web Code Design

1) Code design for Branding (White Carding) for corporate logos, custom captions at the bottom of pages, font size and colors through CSS

2) Resource files can be used for international text but better to store text in DB to update the text in languages on the fly

3) Validation on all text boxes not only for max length of a field but to stop illegal charaters and SQL injections

4) Database transactions in try catch blocks with Commit and Rollback functions to keep data integrity

5) Filter grids by entering text in the find search box. Save the seach text and grid page number in context when user comes back to that screen

6) Preventative maintenance sending email to tech support on try catch blook for possible errors in code

7) User tracking system for Ticket Issues, which also allows Code fixes to add code fix, sql script fix and explanation to resolve issue

8) How to resend mail when mail server goes down. Mail servers should be up 100% of the time. If it is up 99.99% it means 1 or 2 emails may have to be resent

9) Dynamic Help in database in different languages

10)Dynamic Help Topics in database in database in different languages

11)Designing interfaces like XML for and IIF files for Exporting to Quickbooks Accounting Systems or other Systems

12) Archiving of records in Web applications to move data into archive tables

Performance and Scalability

1) Analyze all SQL to get subtree costs to minimal to make application scalable

2) Performance testing. Creating mega databases with SQL scripts to simulate application database growth over a 10-15 year period.

3) Enhancing Performance and Scalability through Caching

4) Analyzing database statistics, caps on memory in machine config.sys, caps on memory for SQLManager.exe,use of indexes

5) Analyzing SQL query sub tree costs to minimize them,

6) Understanding the difference in parallelism for CPUs that have more than 1 processor

7) Running a SQL trace. Running the Index Tuning Wizard with a workload to get index recommendations on clustered vs not clustered indexes.

8) AJAX ASP.NET 3.5 refreshing only certain components on the screen


1) Session Checking and user screen navigation to stop Hijacking

2) SSL installations – encryption. No SSL means passwords and username or userid can been seen. We can help you order the right SSL certificate for your environment.

3) sys.config authentication

4) Best Place to store User context

5) Security at Logins to check user access (deleted user) as well as corporate access (corporation paid their bills) and block all fraud access

6) Allow user a solution when they they forget their passwords or user ids. Extra security question option (for users when they forget passwords) can be turned on and off

7) After 3 unsuccessful attempts at logging in, redirect them to home page or another screen

8) Security setting in UI to force users to change their passwords every x months.Password visibility blocked in UI and scrambled in database

9) Block mouse right click on screens to stop people from viewing the source code

Coding For All Internet Browsers

1) Html reports emailable inside the body of the email so no file attachments making it friendly to all virus scanning systems

2) Support for Mobile Devices (such as Windows Mobile devices) allowing them to log on and view reports in their Mobile Units

3) Handling of cookiesless browsers

4) Browser caps or files to make application work for FireFox, Opera and other Browsers Besides Internet Explorer

E-Merchant Credit Card Authorization and Back End Systems (ie interfacing to PayPal for one time payments and recurring monthly payments)